
Senin, 15 November 2010

4 Lilin

Ada 4 lilin yang menyala, Sedikit demi sedikit habis meleleh.

Suasana begitu sunyi sehingga terdengarlah percakapan mereka

Yang pertama berkata: “Aku adalah Damai.” “Namun manusia tak mampu menjagaku: maka lebih baik aku mematikan diriku saja!” Demikianlah sedikit demi sedikit sang lilin padam.

Yang kedua berkata: “Aku adalah Iman.” “Sayang aku tak berguna lagi.” “Manusia tak mau mengenalku, untuk itulah tak ada gunanya aku tetap menyala.” Begitu selesai bicara, tiupan angin memadamkannya.

Dengan sedih giliran Lilin ketiga bicara: “Aku adalah Cinta.” “Tak mampu lagi aku untuk tetap menyala.” “Manusia tidak lagi memandang dan mengganggapku berguna.” “Mereka saling membenci, bahkan membenci mereka yang mencintainya, membenci keluarganya.” Tanpa menunggu waktu lama, maka matilah Lilin ketiga.

Tanpa terduga…

Seorang anak saat itu masuk ke dalam kamar, dan melihat ketiga Lilin telah padam. Karena takut akan kegelapan itu, ia berkata: “Ekh apa yang terjadi?? Kalian harus tetap menyala, Aku takut akan kegelapan!”

Lalu ia mengangis tersedu-sedu.

Lalu dengan terharu Lilin keempat berkata:

Jangan takut, Janganlah menangis, selama aku masih ada dan menyala, kita tetap dapat selalu menyalakan ketiga Lilin lainnya:

“Akulah HARAPAN.”

Dengan mata bersinar, sang anak mengambil Lilin Harapan, lalu menyalakan kembali ketiga Lilin lainnya.

Apa yang tidak pernah mati hanyalah HARAPAN yang ada dalam hati kita….dan masing-masing kita semoga dapat menjadi alat, seperti sang anak tersebut, yang dalam situasi apapun mampu menghidupkan kembali Iman, Damai, Cinta dengan HARAPAN-nya!

^Pesan Ibu^

Suatu hari, tampak seorang pemuda tergesa-gesa memasuki sebuah restoran karena kelaparan sejak pagi belum sarapan. Setelah memesan makanan, seorang anak penjaja kue menghampirinya, "Om, beli kue Om, masih hangat dan enak rasanya!"

"Tidak Dik, saya mau makan nasi saja," kata si pemuda menolak.

Sambil tersenyum si anak pun berlalu dan menunggu di luar restoran.

Melihat si pemuda telah selesai menyantap makanannya, si anak menghampiri lagi dan menyodorkan kuenya. Si pemuda sambil beranjak ke kasir hendak membayar makanan berkata, "Tidak Dik, saya sudah kenyang."

Sambil terus mengikuti si pemuda, si anak berkata, "Kuenya bisa dibuat oleh-oleh pulang, Om."

Dompet yang belum sempat dimasukkan ke kantong pun dibukanya kembali. Dikeluarkannya dua lembar ribuan dan ia mengangsurkan ke anak penjual kue. "Saya tidak mau kuenya. Uang ini anggap saja sedekah dari saya."

Dengan senang hati diterimanya uang itu. Lalu, dia bergegas ke luar restoran, dan memberikan uang pemberian tadi kepada pengemis yang berada di depan restoran.

Si pemuda memperhatikan dengan seksama. Dia merasa heran dan sedikit tersinggung. Ia langsung menegur, "Hai adik kecil, kenapa uangnya kamu berikan kepada orang lain? Kamu berjualan kan untuk mendapatkan uang. Kenapa setelah uang ada di tanganmu, malah kamu berikan ke si pengemis itu?"

"Om, saya mohon maaf. Jangan marah ya. Ibu saya mengajarkan kepada saya untuk mendapatkan uang dari usaha berjualan atas jerih payah sendiri, bukan dari mengemis. Kue-kue ini dibuat oleh ibu saya sendiri dan ibu pasti kecewa, marah, dan sedih, jika saya menerima uang dari Om bukan hasil dari menjual kue. Tadi Om bilang, uang sedekah, maka uangnya saya berikan kepada pengemis itu."

Si pemuda merasa takjub dan menganggukkan kepala tanda mengerti. "Baiklah, berapa banyak kue yang kamu bawa? Saya borong semua untuk oleh-oleh." Si anak pun segera menghitung dengan gembira.

Sambil menyerahkan uang si pemuda berkata, "Terima kasih Dik, atas pelajaran hari ini. Sampaikan salam saya kepada ibumu."

Walaupun tidak mengerti tentang pelajaran apa yang dikatakan si pemuda, dengan gembira diterimanya uang itu sambil berucap, "Terima kasih, Om. Ibu saya pasti akan gembira sekali, hasil kerja kerasnya dihargai dan itu sangat berarti bagi kehidupan kami."


Ini sebuah ilustrasi tentang sikap perjuangan hidup yang POSITIF dan TERHORMAT. Walaupun mereka miskin harta, tetapi mereka kaya mental! Menyikapi kemiskinan bukan dengan mengemis dan minta belas kasihan dari orang lain. Tapi dengan bekerja keras, jujur, dan membanting tulang.

Jika setiap manusia mau melatih dan mengembangkan kekayaan mental di dalam menjalani kehidupan ini, lambat atau cepat kekayaan mental yang telah kita miliki itu akan mengkristal menjadi karakter, dan karakter itulah yang akan menjadi embrio dari kesuksesan sejati yang mampu kita ukir dengan gemilang.

Rabu, 03 November 2010

Kasih Ibu sepanjang Masa

Alkisah di sebuah desa, ada seorang ibu yang sudah tua, hidup berdua dengan anak satu-satunya
Suaminya sudah lama meninggal karena sakit
Sang ibu sering kali merasa sedih memikirkan anak satu-satunya.
Anaknya mempunyai tabiat yang sangat buruk yaitu suka mencuri, berjudi, mengadu ayam dan banyak lagi

Ibu itu sering menangis meratapi nasibnya yang malang, Namun ia sering berdoa memohon kepada Tuhan: “Tuhan tolong sadarkan anakku yang kusayangi, supaya tidak berbuat dosa lagi

Aku sudah tua dan ingin menyaksikan dia bertobat sebelum aku mati”

Namun semakin lama si anak semakin larut dengan perbuatan jahatnya, sudah sangat sering ia keluar masuk penjara karena kejahatan yang dilakukannya

Suatu hari ia kembali mencuri di rumah penduduk desa, namun malang dia tertangkap
Kemudian dia dibawa ke hadapan raja utk diadili dan dijatuhi hukuman pancung
pengumuman itu diumumkan ke seluruh desa, hukuman akan dilakukan keesokan hari
di depan rakyat desa dan tepat pada saat lonceng berdentang menandakan pukul enam pagi

Berita hukuman itu sampai ke telinga si ibu dia menangis meratapi anak yang dikasihinya dan berdoa berlutut kepada Tuhan “Tuhan ampuni anak hamba, biarlah hamba yang sudah tua ini yang menanggung dosa nya”

Dengan tertatih tatih dia mendatangi raja dan memohon supaya anaknya dibebaskan
Tapi keputusan sudah bulat, anakknya harus menjalani hukuman

Dengan hati hancur, ibu kembali ke rumah Tak hentinya dia berdoa supaya anaknya diampuni, dan akhirnya dia tertidur karena kelelahan Dan dalam mimpinya dia bertemu dengan Tuhan

Keesokan harinya, ditempat yang sudah ditentukan, rakyat berbondong2 manyaksikan hukuman tersebut Sang algojo sudah siap dengan pancungnya dan anak sudah pasrah dengan nasibnya

Terbayang di matanya wajah ibunya yang sudah tua, dan tanpa terasa ia menangis menyesali perbuatannya Detik-detik yang dinantikan akhirnya tiba

Sampai waktu yang ditentukan tiba, lonceng belum juga berdentang sudah lewat lima menit dan suasana mulai berisik, akhirnya petugas yang bertugas membunyikan lonceng datang

Ia mengaku heran karena sudah sejak tadi dia menarik tali lonceng tapi suara dentangnya tidak ada
Saat mereka semua sedang bingung, tiba2 dari tali lonceng itu mengalir darah Darah itu berasal dari atas tempat di mana lonceng itu diikat

Dengan jantung berdebar2 seluruh rakyat menantikan saat beberapa orang naik ke atas menyelidiki sumber darah

Tahukah anda apa yang terjadi?

Ternyata di dalam lonceng ditemui tubuh si ibu tua dengan kepala hancur berlumuran darah
dia memeluk bandul di dalam lonceng yang menyebabkan lonceng tidak berbunyi,
dan sebagai gantinya, kepalanya yang terbentur di dinding lonceng

Seluruh orang yang menyaksikan kejadian itu tertunduk dan meneteskan air mata
Sementara si anak meraung raung memeluk tubuh ibunya yang sudah diturunkan
Menyesali dirinya yang selalu menyusahkan ibunya Ternyata malam sebelumnya si ibu dengan susah payah memanjat ke atas dan mengikat dirinya di lonceng Memeluk besi dalam lonceng untuk menghindari hukuman pancung anaknya.

NB : MOM, i love you so much, saranghae omma !!!! :')

How to be Successful in Life

Question: How to obtain success and prosperity in this world and hereafter.What kind of success or prosperity that Islam want the ummah Islam gain in this world.

Answer: Praise be to Allah.

Peace of mind, contentment, happiness and freedom from worries and anxiety… these are what everyone wants, and these are the ways in which people can have a good life and find complete happiness and joy. There are religious means of achieving that, and natural and practical means, but no one can combine all of them except the believers; although other people may achieve some of them, they will miss out on others.

There follows a summary of the means of achieving this aim for which everyone is striving. In some cases, those who achieve many of them will live a joyful life and a good life; in other cases, those who fail to achieve all of them will live a life of misery and hardship. And there are others which are in between, according to what the means he is able to attain. These means include the following:

1 – Faith and righteous deeds:
This is the greatest and most fundamental of means. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Whoever works righteousness — whether male or female — while he (or she) is a true believer (of Islamic Monotheism) verily, to him We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter)”
[al-Nahl 16:97]

Allaah tells us and promises us that whoever combines faith with righteous deeds will have a good life and a good reward in this world and in the Hereafter.

The reason for that is clear: those who believe in Allaah – with sincere faith that motivates them to do righteous deeds that change hearts and attitudes and guides them to the straight path in this world and the Hereafter – follow principles and guidelines by means of which they deal with everything that happens to them, be it the causes of happiness and excitement or the causes of anxiety, worry and grief.

They deal with the things that they like by accepting them and giving thanks for them, and using them in good ways. When they deal with them in this manner, that creates in them a sense of excitement and the hope that it will continue and that they will be rewarded for their gratitude, which is more important than the good things that happen to them. And they deal with bad things, worries and distress by resisting those that they can resist, alleviating those that they can alleviate, and bearing with goodly patience those that they cannot avoid. Thus as a result of the bad things they gain a lot of benefits, experience, strength, patience and hope of reward, which are more important and which diminish the hardships they have undergone and replace them with happiness and hope for the bounty and reward of Allaah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) expressed this in a saheeh hadeeth in which he said: “How wonderful is the situation of the believer, for all his affairs are good. If something good happens to him, he gives thanks for it and that is good for him; if something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience, and that is good for him. This does not apply to anyone but the believer.” (Narrated by Muslim, no. 2999).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that the believer is always gaining and the reward for his deeds is always multiplying, no matter what happens to him, good or bad.

2 – Being kind to people in word and deed, and all kinds of doing good. This is one of the means of removing worry, distress and anxiety. By this means Allaah wards off worries and distress from righteous and immoral like, but the believer has the greater share of that, and is distinguished by the fact that his kindness to others stems from sincerity and the hope of reward, so Allaah makes it easy for him to be kind to others because of the hope that this will bring good things and ward off bad things, by means of his sincerity and hope of reward. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“There is no good in most of their secret talks save (in) him who orders Sadaqah (charity in Allaah’s Cause), or Ma‘roof (Islamic Monotheism and all the good and righteous deeds which Allaah has ordained), or conciliation between mankind; and he who does this, seeking the good Pleasure of Allaah, We shall give him a great reward” [al-Nisa’ 4:114]

Part of that great reward is relief from worry, distress, troubles, etc.

3 – Another of the means of warding off anxiety that stems from nervous tension and being preoccupied with disturbing thoughts is to occupy oneself with good deeds or seeking beneficial knowledge, for that will distract one from dwelling on the matters that are causing anxiety. In this way a person may forget about the things that are making him worried and distressed, and he may become happy and more energetic. This is another means that believers and others have in common, but the believer is distinguished by his faith, sincerity and hope of reward when he occupies himself with that knowledge which he is learning or teaching, or with the good deeds that he is doing.

The work with which he occupies himself should be something that he likes and enjoys, for that is more likely to produce the desired results. And Allaah knows best.

4 – Another thing that may ward off worry and anxiety is focusing all one’s thoughts of the present day, and not worrying about the future or grieving about the past. Hence the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sought refuge with Allaah from worry and regret, from regret for things in the past which one cannot put right or change, and worry which may come because of fear for the future. So one should focus only on the present day, and focus one's efforts on getting things right today. For if a person is focused on that, this means that he will do things properly and forget about worry and regret. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said a du’aa’ or taught a du’aa’ to his ummah, as well as urging them to seek the help of Allaah and hope for His bounty, he was also urging them to strive to attain the thing they were praying for through their own efforts and to forget about the thing which they were praying would be warded off from them. Because du’aa’ (supplication) must be accompanied by action. So a person must strive to attain that which will benefit him in worldly and spiritual terms, and ask his Lord to make his efforts successful, and he should seek His help in that, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Strive for that which will benefit you and seek the help of Allaah, and do not be helpless. If anything (bad) happens to you, do not say, ‘If only I had done such-and-such, then such-and-such would have happened.’ Rather you should say, ‘Qaddara Allaah wa ma sha’a fa’ala (Allaah decrees, and what He wills He does),’ for (the words) ‘If only’ open the door to the Shaytaan.” (Narrated by Muslim). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) connected the matter of striving to achieve good things with the matter of seeking the help of Allaah and not giving in to feelings of helplessness which are a harmful kind of laziness, and with the matter of accepting things in the past which are over and done with, and acknowledging that the will and decree of Allaah will inevitably come to pass. He described matters as being of two types:

1 – Matters which a person may strive to achieve or to achieve whatever he can of them, or to ward them off or alleviate them. In such cases a person must strive and make the effort, and also seek the help of Allaah.

2 – Matters where such is not possible, so he must have peace of mind, accept them and submit to Allaah’s will.

Undoubtedly paying attention to this principle will bring happiness and relieve worry and distress.

5 – One of the greatest means of feeling content and relaxed and of acquiring peace of mind is to remember Allaah a great deal (dhikr). That has a great effect in bringing contentment and peace of mind, and relieving worry and distress. Allaah says:

“verily, in the remembrance of Allaah do hearts find rest” [al-Ra’d 13:28]

Remembering Allaah (dhikr) has a great effect in achieving this aim because it has a special influence and because of the hope that it brings of reward.

6 – Another of the means of bringing happiness and relieving worry and distress is striving to eliminate the things that cause worry and to achieve the things that bring happiness. That may be done by forgetting about bad things in the past which cannot be changed, and realizing that dwelling on them is a waste of time. So a person must strive to stop himself from thinking of that, and also strive to stop himself from feeling anxious about the future and the things that he may imagine of poverty, fear and other bad things that he thinks may happen to him in the future. He should realize that the future is something unknown, he cannot know what good or bad things are going to happen to him. That is in the hand of the Almighty, the Most Wise, and all that His slaves can do is to strive to attain the good things and to ward off the bad things. A person should realize that if he diverts his thoughts from worrying about his future and puts his trust in his Lord to take care of his situation, and puts his mind at rest concerning that, if he does that, then his heart will be at peace and his situation will improve and he will be relieved of worry and anxiety.

One of the most effective ways of dealing with worries about the future is to recite this du’aa’ which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to recite:

“Allaahumma aslih li deeni alladhi huwa ‘ismatu amri, wa aslih li dunyaaya allati fiha ma’aashi, wa aslih li aakhirati allati ilayha ma’aadi, waj’al al-hayaata ziyaadatan li fi kulli khayr, wa’l-mawta raahatan li min kulli sharr (O Allaah, correct my religious commitment which is the foundation of my life, and correct my worldly affairs in which is my livelihood, and grant me good in the Hereafter to which is my return. Make my life a means of accumulating good, and make death a respite for me from all evil).” (Narrated by Muslim, 2720).

And he said, “Allaahumma rahmataka arju fa la takilni ila nafsi tarfata ‘aynin wa aslih li sha’ni kullahu, laa ilaaha illa anta (O Allaah, for Your mercy I hope, so do not abandon me to myself even for a moment. And correct all my affairs. There is no god but You).” (Narrated by Abu Dawood with a saheeh isnaad, no. 5090; classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Kalim al-Tayyib, p. 49).

If a person utters these du’aa’s, which ask that his spiritual and worldly affairs may be set right or corrected, with proper presence of mind and sincerity of intention, whilst striving to achieve that, Allaah will grant him what he has prayed for, hoped for and striven for, and He will turn his worry into joy and happiness.

7 – If a person experiences anxiety and distress because of a disaster, then one of the most effective means of relieving himself of that is to think of the worst scenario to which that may lead, and try to accept that. When he has done that, then he should try to alleviate it as much as possible. By means of this acceptance and these efforts, he will relieve himself of his worries and distress, and instead of worrying he will strive to bring about good things and to deal with whatever he can of the bad things. If he is faced with things that cause fear or the possibility of sickness or poverty, then he should deal with that by striving to make himself accept that, or something even worse, with contentment, because by making himself accept the worst-case scenario, he lessens the impact of the thing and makes it seem less terrible, especially if he occupies himself with efforts to ward it off as much as he can. Thus as well as striving to achieve something good which will distract him from his worries about calamity, he will also renew his strength to resist bad things, and put his trust and reliance in Allaah. Undoubtedly these matters are of great benefit in attaining happiness and peace of mind, as well as bringing the hope of reward in this world and in the Hereafter. This is something which is well known from the experience of many who have tried it.

8 – Steadfastness of heart and not being disturbed about the imaginary things that bad thoughts may bring to mind. For when a person gives in to his imagination and lets his mind be disturbed by these thoughts, such as fear of disease and the like, or anger and confusion stirred up by some grievous matter, or the expectation of bad things and the loss of good things, that will fill him with worries, distress, mental and physical illness and nervous breakdowns, which will have a bad effect on him and which causes a great deal of harm, as many people have seen. But when a person depends on Allaah and puts his trust in Him, and does not give in to his imagination or let bad thoughts overwhelm him, and he relies on Allaah and has hope of His bounty, that wards off his worries and distress, and relieves him of a great deal of mental and physical sickness. It gives indescribable strength, comfort and happiness to the heart. How many hospitals are filled with the mentally sick victims of illusions and harmful imagination; how often have these things had an effect upon the hearts of many strong people, let alone the weak ones; how often have they led to foolishness and insanity.

It should be noted that your life will follow your train of thought. If your thoughts are of things that will bring you benefit in your spiritual or worldly affairs, then your life will be good and happy. Otherwise it will be the opposite.

The person who is safe from all of that is the one who is protected by Allaah and helped by Him to strive to achieve that which will benefit and strengthen the heart and ward off anxiety. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And whosoever puts his trust in Allaah, then He will suffice him”[al-Talaaq 65:3]

i.e., He will be sufficient for all that is worrying him in his spiritual and worldly affairs. The one who puts his trust in Allaah will have strength in his heart and will not be affected by anything he imagines or be disturbed by events, because he knows that these are the result of vulnerable human nature and of weakness and fear that have no basis. He also knows that Allaah has guaranteed complete sufficiency to those who put their trust in Him. So he trusts in Allaah and finds peace of mind in His promise, and thus his worry and anxiety are dispelled; hardship is turned to ease, sadness is turned to joy, fear is turned to peace. We ask Allaah to keep us safe and sound, and to bless us with strength and steadfastness of heart, and complete trust, for Allaah has guaranteed all good things to those who put their trust in Him, and has guaranteed to ward off all bad and harmful things from them.

If bad things happen or there is the fear of such, then you should count the many blessings that you are still enjoying, both spiritual and worldly, and compare them with the bad things that have happened, for when you compare them you will see the many blessings that you are enjoying, and this will make the bad things appear less serious.

See al-Wasaa’il al-Mufeedah li’l-Hayaat al-Sa’eedah by Shatkh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Sa’di

Ibn al-Qayyim summed fifteen ways through which Allaah may dispel worries and regret. These are as follows:

* 1- Tawheed al-Ruboobiyyah (belief in the Oneness of Divine Lordship)
* 2- Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah (belief in the Oneness of the Divine nature).
* 3- Tawheed of knowledge and belief (i.e., Tawheed al-Asma’ wa’l_Sifaat, belief in the Oneness of the Divine names and attributes).
* 4- Thinking of Allaah as being above doing any injustice to His slaves, and above punishing anyone for no cause on the part of the slave that would require such punishment.
* 5- The person’s acknowledging that he is the one who has done wrong.
* 6- Beseeching Allaah by means of the things that are most beloved to Him, which are His names and attributes. Two of His names that encompass the meanings of all other names and attributes are al-Hayy (the Ever-Living) and al-Qayyoom (the Eternal).
* 7- Seeking the help of Allaah Alone.
* 8- Affirming one's hope in Him.
* 9- Truly putting one’s trust in Him and leaving matters to Him, acknowledging that one's forelock is in His hand and that He does as He wills, that His will is forever executed and that He is just in all that He decrees.
* 10-Letting one's heart wander in the garden of the Qur’aan, seeking consolation in it from every calamity, seeking healing in it from all diseases of the heart, so that it will bring comfort to his grief and healing for his worries and distress.
* 11- Seeking forgiveness.
* 12- Repentance.
* 13- Jihad.
* 14- Salaah (prayer).
* 15- Declaring that he has no power and no strength, and leaving matters to the One in Whose hand they are.

We ask Allaah to keep us safe and sound from worries and to relieve us of distress and anxiety, for He is the All-Hearing, Ever-Responsive, and He is the Ever-Living, Eternal. And Allaah knows best. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.


By Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid